Monday, September 05, 2005

Toon Nation X

Destroy All Hairdos
Destroy All Hairdos,
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I love cartoons! I believe my generation is the quintessential 'toon generation even though the classic toons were either produced before our time or while we were still babes. From go we were immersed in the language of frying pans, anvils, and dynamite. That's probably why we seem to always be willing to scrap it all and start from scratch. One word sums it! Gen X'ers [I know some think this term lame] were bombarded with toons. We were the first fully [dis]functional t.v. and videogame generation. As a result and depending on who you speak to, we either rise or fall due to this ability to engage in "toonthink." We'll leave that for the "expertrs" to ponder. Just gimme my toons! From Gertie the Dinosuar to SpongeBob! Even the cartoons of the 80's have aged nicely and are definitelty making a comeback. Now, I normally fill my posts with hyperlinks because I'm such a Ted Nelson fan but this post has but one link that is in the do-not-fail-to-visit category and this is IT! Enjoy!


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