The Frogs Are Dying!!!
Climate Change Drives Widespread Amphibian Extinctions; Warmer Temperatures Enhance Growth ...
"Results of a new study provide the first clear proof that global warming is causing outbreaks of an infectious disease that is wiping out entire frog populations and driving many species to extinction. The study reveals how the warming may alter the dynamics of a skin fungus that is fatal to amphibians. The climate-driven fungal disease, the author's say, has hundreds of species around the world teetering on the brink of extinction or has already pushed them into the abyss. "
(Photo Credit: Frog in a Pond originally uploaded by Dan Zen)
Check Out My Tag Cloud!
I've eliminated my list-o-links (except for the people category) and in its place I have included my tag cloud. I love it! Now I can show my tag categories for my links. The more links there are in the category, the bigger the text size. Give 'em a click and see exactly what I've been doing with my time lately! :)(photo credit: Up and Away, originally uploaded by i a n )
2005 was HOT!!!
Hi there! Sorry for the lapse. I've been busy with my social justice work, microbiology finals and a baby, so you gotta know that blogging is way down the list. Do remember to look at my thingy on the right as it is a good way to see what I've been finding out there even though I have little time to blog about it. In January (not at all a New Year's resolution) I plan to blog more by virtue of the fact that I will be on paternity leave and while I joke about watching Opra! and hanging around in my fuzzy slippers the reality is that I will be hanging out in my jammies, surfing, blogging, and coding away! Oh yeah, and taking care of my infant daughter! ;>
2005 was a great year! We honeymooned in New Zealand in February (amazing!) and the rest of the year was the crazy ride that is birthing a child. I'd like to give a big shout out to my baby mama, the love of my life, my wife Angi for the strength to quarterback this project. She gets all the credit but while I was strictly Ringo on this gig, I have to say I was fab!
Ok, here's the article of 2005 that caught my attention. It was a busy year what with the war, hurricanes, scandal(s), lies, more lies...Project Runway! Let's face it people, it was hot! In fact it was one of the hottest years on record. The above-mentioned article basically says the earth in 2005 was like a cat on a hot tin roof! While it is promising that the U.S.' denial of science, starting with the recent desicion on intelligent design (or as I like to call it crap!) seems to be thawing like the Arctic ice shelf, we are still in Kyoto Protocol denial and we need to step up efforts to get in line with the rest of the civilized world. That means that we listen to credible, independent scientists and not corporate bought ones... or worse.
(photo credit: fire 4, originally uploaded by goynang )