Saturday, July 29, 2006

And Now for Some Monkey News...

So apparently pink elephants aren't a problem to spot but a guy in a gorilla suit gets a free pass. A very interesting study on the effects of alcohol from the University of Washington via Science Daily.

Ape-earances' Can Be Deceiving For Many Under The Influence Of Alcohol

"It's pretty difficult to overlook the proverbial 800-pound gorilla, or even an average-size person dressed in a gorilla suit.
But a new study indicates that people who were given a simple visual task while mildly intoxicated were twice as likely to have missed seeing the person in a gorilla suit than were people who were not under the influence of alcohol."

Also, check out the back from the dead after 30 odd years New York Dolls and their awesome NEW video "Dance Like a Monkey"

(Photo Credit: "2627 Kong Ross" originally uploaded by rosschapman)


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