It's the Missing Link You Bloated Sack of Protoplasms!!!
I guess this site would be remiss if it did not join the throngs of fossil geeks who have been waxing on about the Tiktaalik Roseae fossil find. The official site could be longer on the fossil info and shorter on the crew bios but it does explain the relevance of this historic find. Wikipedia is picking up some of the slack though! All that's well and good but any fan of Ren and Stimpy will tell you that this muddy mudskipper has been around for a while!! You eeeediots!- The Muddy Mudskipper theme song...
- "Who's the greatest mudskipper of them all?
- Who can skip in the mud with the greatest of ease?
- What kind of wonderful guy?
- Who can crawl like a dog without scraping his knees?
- Who's got segmented eyees?
- It's Muddy Mudskipper, it's Muddy Mudskipper
- It's the Muddy Mudskipper show!"
(photo credit: IMG_4457 originally posted by bminish)