Bigfoot...Well, you know.
Ahhhh the 70's! I'm of the generation that spent its pre-pubescent years in that glorious decade. It was just a cavalcade of fads...Sharks, Pyramids, UFO's, Fonzie! One of my favorites was Bigfoot. Maybe its our current oil headaches coupled with the wholesale meltdown of our politicians that has led even the Huffington Post to cover this wonderful Bigfoot convention article. It seems as though our good neighbors in Texas not only believe that man was made oh about 6,000 years ago out of a lump-o-clay, but they also got a hankerin' for a Texas-sized hairy humanoid we all lovingly call Sasquatch (remember when he cameo'd on the Six Million Dollar Man!) These people are serious folks! Case in point...the Texas Bigfoot Research Center.
(Photo Credit: Nose Job, originally uploaed by Jan Tik)
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