Thursday, November 03, 2005

Knitting, Nuns, and DNA!

Ok, so you never thought these things could actually go together. Well, they do thanks to recent posts on Boing Boing and Wired! As a native New Yorker, educated by nuns in denial of Vatican II, not to mention my being a Nursing student who has survived A&P I and II (the latter in the Summer session!,) I've got two out of three down pat. But for the knitting trifecta I must turn to my wife Angi. She is a knitting knitter, I mean she can knit anything...she can knit a satellite dish, or a chair, or enui! Do you get the sense that given my previous post, I haven't gotten any sleep in a looong time. Well you're right! Here are the links!

Catholic Schoolgirls Unravel DNA Led by a nun with a passion for science, high-school students at the Sacred Heart Academy in Connecticut join top genetic scientists at the cutting edge of research into the roots of osteoporosis. By Michael O'Neill.

This is a knitted model of DNA

Hey, here's more fun with knitting & science!
The Knitted Digestive System

(Photo Credit: zombie nun, originally posted by cakeyvoice)


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